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Resolve: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidemtifier

13 July 2023

You might encounter the error “Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidemtifier” while working in an SQL server. This error is because...

The post Resolve: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidemtifier appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Interface: Defining Contracts for Implementing Classes

11 July 2023

In C#, interfaces play a crucial role in defining contracts between different components of a program. An interface specifies a set of members that a...

The post C# Interface: Defining Contracts for Implementing Classes appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

What is boxing & unboxing in C#?

10 July 2023

In C#, boxing, and unboxing are mechanisms used to convert value types (such as int, double, and bool) to reference types (such as an object)...

The post What is boxing & unboxing in C#? appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Styled Components: Enhanced CSS in JavaScript

5 July 2023

Hey there, fellow React enthusiasts! We’re all about that perfect blend of style, design, and function, right? Well, I’ve stumbled upon a game-changer that will...

The post Styled Components: Enhanced CSS in JavaScript appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Enums in C#: Simplifying Code with Named Constants

3 July 2023

In C#, enums (short for enumerations) are a powerful feature that allows you to define a set of named constants. Enums provide an efficient and...

The post Enums in C#: Simplifying Code with Named Constants appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Case: Decisions in Switch Statements

26 June 2023

In C#, the case statement is an essential component of the switch statement, allowing you to make decisions based on different values of a variable. Using the case statement, you can...

The post C# Case: Decisions in Switch Statements appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Dictionary vs. List: Choosing the Right Data Structure

19 June 2023

Choosing between a Dictionary and a List in C# depends on the specific requirements of your application.

The post C# Dictionary vs. List: Choosing the Right Data Structure appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

What is Polymorphism in c#

13 June 2023

Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. In C#, polymorphism is achieved through inheritance and interfaces. Inheritance allows derived classes...

The post What is Polymorphism in c# appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

‘using’ Statement in C#: Properly Managing Resources

12 June 2023

In C#, the ‘using’ statement provides a convenient way to ensure the proper disposal of resources, such as file handles, database connections, or network streams....

The post ‘using’ Statement in C#: Properly Managing Resources appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

ASP.NET vs Node.JS: Choosing the Right Framework for Web Development

5 June 2023

Choosing between ASP.NET vs Node.JS depends on various factors. Learn which one is the best for your project.

The post ASP.NET vs Node.JS: Choosing the Right Framework for Web Development appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.


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