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How to create .gitignore

13 March 2023

While working on your projects, you will often find many ignore files and directories (like .env or any other local environment secrets, .vscode or any...

The post How to create .gitignore appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Middleware in ASP.NET

7 March 2023

If you’re a developer working with ASP.NET, you’ve likely heard the term “middleware” thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly is it, and why...

The post Middleware in ASP.NET appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Switch Statement in C# .NET 6 | Explained

5 March 2023

In C#, the Switch statement is the type of control flow statement to compare a single expression with multiple values. If a value matches the...

The post Switch Statement in C# .NET 6 | Explained appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

How to use the npm link

2 March 2023

Sometimes you need to use a module before you are ready to publish a new version of it or you are working around different files...

The post How to use the npm link appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Resolve: Server Error in ‘/’ Application

27 February 2023

A lot of times you come across an error “Server Error in ‘/’ Application” while working on an ASP.NET application. This is a generic error...

The post Resolve: Server Error in ‘/’ Application appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Download Files from Azure Blob Storage in C#

22 February 2023

Azure blob storage is Microsoft’s offering to store unstructured object data. This data can be files, images, videos or documents etc. Azure blob storage can...

The post Download Files from Azure Blob Storage in C# appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Configure package.json file

21 February 2023

In NPM projects you have seen the package.json file. This file is an NPM Configuration file. This file function is similar to package.config where you...

The post Configure package.json file appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

ODP (Optimizely Data Platform) Custom events tracking

21 February 2023

This blog post continues the previous blog on the ODP (Optimizely Data Platform) implementation. ODP by default provides a lot of tracking events. You can...

The post ODP (Optimizely Data Platform) Custom events tracking appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

How to write content – A brief SEO Guide

6 February 2023

Title Tag Page titles are critical to giving online searchers quick insight into the content of a search engine result. It is a primary piece...

The post How to write content – A brief SEO Guide appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Resolve Wp Error: Google reCAPTCHA verification failed. You are probably not a human!

16 January 2023

Recently I come across an issue on my WordPress website where I can not able to login to the admin site. Website Users can not...

The post Resolve Wp Error: Google reCAPTCHA verification failed. You are probably not a human! appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.


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