
Latest Blogs

Programming Languages for Game Design

22 November 2021

Game developers are compelled to do a little programming to ensure that the game set-up is in the right state for users. It is worth...

The post Programming Languages for Game Design appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Get the list of method names from the C# class

4 August 2021

Sometimes we come across a requirement to get list of methods in C# class. This is very useful if you want to automate your documentation...

The post Get the list of method names from the C# class appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Optimize Optimizely website for Mobile

2 August 2021

In recent times customers are doing more shopping online and their primary touchpoint is mobile. During Covid and lock down this trend increases worldwide. Today’s...

The post Optimize Optimizely website for Mobile appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

How to set a screen lock on an Android devices

22 July 2021

How to set a screen lock on an Android devices How to set a screen lock on an Android devices

The post How to set a screen lock on an Android devices appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Dynamically assign coupon codes to customers

12 April 2021

This blog post is a continuity of the last two blog posts regarding extending the Episerver Coupon Codes Tool. Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Download single-use...

The post Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Dynamically assign coupon codes to customers appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Resolve: The CodeDom provider type “Microsoft.CodeDom. Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform. CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom. Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform , Version=, Culture=neutral … could not be located.

7 April 2021

Recently I change my development environment and come across the following issue while browsing the website on localhost The CodeDom provider type “Microsoft. CodeDom. Providers....

The post Resolve: The CodeDom provider type “Microsoft.CodeDom. Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform. CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom. Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform , Version=, Culture=neutral … could not be located. appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

3 Ways to Get a Top Google Ranking for Your Small Business

13 March 2021

Are you having problems getting a top Google ranking for your business? You can learn how to get a top ranking on Google. Below are...

The post 3 Ways to Get a Top Google Ranking for Your Small Business appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Artificial Intelligence – what is the future?

27 February 2021

Artificial intelligence is a wide range of computers tasked with producing smart machines. The machines capable of executing and performing tasks similar to human intelligence....

The post Artificial Intelligence – what is the future? appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Episerver solution best practices

24 February 2021

Recently I came across great blogs regarding Episerver coding best practices from Adnan Zameer, Khurram Khan & Stefan Holm Olsen. They pretty much covered all...

The post Episerver solution best practices appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Resolve: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

20 February 2021

As a developer lot of time, you come across ” Object reference not set to an instance of an object ” error and sometimes along...

The post Resolve: Object reference not set to an instance of an object appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.


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