
Latest Blogs

C# Extension Methods: Expanding the Capabilities of Your Classes

19 September 2023

In the world of C# programming, extension methods offer a powerful way to augment the functionality of existing classes without modifying their source code. This...

The post C# Extension Methods: Expanding the Capabilities of Your Classes appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Working With Custom Exception in C#

7 September 2023

Exception handling is a vital aspect of robust software development. While C# provides a range of built-in exceptions, there are scenarios where you’ll encounter specific...

The post Working With Custom Exception in C# appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Mastering C# Events: A Guide to Effective Communication

30 August 2023

In the dynamic realm of C# programming, events are powerful mechanisms that facilitate communication between different parts of your code. Events provide a means for...

The post Mastering C# Events: A Guide to Effective Communication appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Dynamic Queries with Expression Trees in C#

23 August 2023

Exploring the world of dynamic queries using Expression Trees in C# opens up a realm of data manipulation versatility. With Expression Trees, you can construct...

The post Dynamic Queries with Expression Trees in C# appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Combining Async and Yield in C#

16 August 2023

Combining the potency of asynchronous programming with the versatility of iterator blocks using yield can yield elegant and efficient code in C#. Asynchronous operations allow execution without...

The post Combining Async and Yield in C# appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Tuples: Simplify Complex Data Structures and Operations

8 August 2023

In C#, working with multiple values and complex data structures can sometimes be challenging. Thankfully, C# provides a handy feature called “Tuple” that allows you...

The post C# Tuples: Simplify Complex Data Structures and Operations appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Struct: Defining Lightweight Data Types for Performance

31 July 2023

In C# programming, a struct is a valuable feature that allows you to create lightweight data types for efficient memory utilization and performance improvements. Structs...

The post C# Struct: Defining Lightweight Data Types for Performance appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

How to Convert Your JavaScript Components into TypeScript

26 July 2023

If you already know javascript, it would be very easy to learn and get started with Typescript. You can take typescript as an extension of...

The post How to Convert Your JavaScript Components into TypeScript appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Substring Methods

24 July 2023

In C#, substring methods are invaluable for extracting specific portions of strings, manipulating text data, and performing various operations on substrings. Substring methods allow you...

The post C# Substring Methods appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

C# Regex: Pattern Matching and Text Manipulation

17 July 2023

In C#, regular expressions (regex) provide a powerful and flexible way to perform pattern matching and text manipulation. Regex allows you to search, validate, and...

The post C# Regex: Pattern Matching and Text Manipulation appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.


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