
Latest Blogs

Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Delete expired / unused coupons

20 February 2021

This blog is the second part of Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Download single-use coupons. Let’s further extend the Coupon codes tool. Once the website starts...

The post Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Delete expired / unused coupons appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Download single use coupons

16 February 2021

Recently I come across a requirement to generate single use coupon codes (Voucher codes) for Episerver promotions and use it in an email marketing campaigns...

The post Episerver Coupon codes Tool: Download single use coupons appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

A Must Have Local SEO Guide for Small Businesses

14 February 2021

Local SEO is a fundamental part of any online business strategy. You can win new customers by making sure that your website and contact information...

The post A Must Have Local SEO Guide for Small Businesses appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Azure Function Apps with .NET Core & SQL server

14 February 2021

Azure function apps are the perfect example of the KISS principle (Keep it stupid simple). In very simplest terms Azure Function is a piece of...

The post Azure Function Apps with .NET Core & SQL server appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Exception of type ‘Phx.FatalError’ was thrown

11 February 2021

Recently i come access a build issue while in Debug mode Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression StateError CA0001 CA0001 : Exception of type...

The post Exception of type ‘Phx.FatalError’ was thrown appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Episerver: Expose APIs to aggregators

8 February 2021

Sometimes we come across a requirement to expose your APIs to Third parties. Especially if you are developing a trading platform and your partners or...

The post Episerver: Expose APIs to aggregators appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Restrict specific products for sale in selected countries

1 February 2021

We come across a requirement to restrict specific products (not complete catalogue) to sale in specific countries (different products per country). On a website with...

The post Restrict specific products for sale in selected countries appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Authenticate / Authorize a user using local AD

31 January 2021

Authentication and authorization might sound similar but there is a very subtle difference between these two terms. Authentication is just confirmation of user identity. Such...

The post Authenticate / Authorize a user using local AD appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Is Your Data Safe?: 5 Cyber security Prospects You Need to Know

27 January 2021

Did you know that IT strategy-approach- is focused on data protection, systems, encryption, and processes? This is according to Marc Fischer, CTO of Dogtown Media...

The post Is Your Data Safe?: 5 Cyber security Prospects You Need to Know appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.

Episerver Personalization: Geolocation based on Cloudflare HTTP header

25 January 2021

As we all know all DXP environments use Cloudflare as CDN. There are loads of functionality that Cloudflare provides out-of-the-box and GeoLocation header is one...

The post Episerver Personalization: Geolocation based on Cloudflare HTTP header appeared first on Naveed Ul-Haq's blog.


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